Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Summer is over and now it's back to school

The Summer was a fun as we knew it. i got to spen a lot of time with my son. I was there when he turned 13, a teenager! I was as happy as he was i believe. we had a lot of fun through playing sports, watching TV, talking, joking all together. To me it was the best summer of my life. The best part is that he has to go back to school not me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cassius The Stock Brocker

Today I showed my son the way stocks work. We may have a stock broker in the making!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cassius The Cook

So i asked my son what he wanted to be when he grew up. His answer was a little surprising as he wanted to only work for someone and earn a paycheck. I asked about his entrepreneurship to which he responded "it seems like a lot of work". I went on to explain that the satisfaction is well worth it. So we came up with a compromise...I took him to the grocery store and explained to him that he was now in charge of cooking for the both of us. i asked him if he would ever consider becoming a professional cook. He seemed interested and agreed to the deal. I went on to explain to him that he would be in charge of the kitchen in all aspects as if it was his own work space. So far so good!