Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm Here

               As the title suggest I'm here and always has been for my son I mean. .We come to another cross roads in life, a hard one the kind that do well with. All that's needed now is the truth nothing more. The honesty of communication will patch the bridge where it needs to patched. The roadway of communication will be strengthened and everyone will receive as well as give adequate fair information.
                The optimistic point of view will be utilized early and often in situations that involve trust and commitment. "I'm here" is a term to be used and understood  in all aspects of fatherhood. As long as a child knows that his father is there he will always as though the possibilities are limitless, as long he knows. When you can relay to your son that you will be there always in all aspects mentally, physically and spiritually then it is my belief that they will go from a point of dependence to one of imitation. The transformation this is manhood in it's earliest form. And remember that imitation is in fact the sincerest form of flattery.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skate, Shop and Live!

The new motto for teens today as told to me by my own son. Is this is all we as parents have to live for; to work, pay and feed? I'm still waiting on an answer.

The definition of it...

                        As a father to what extent do we give? The more I learn as a father the more I see as a man. I don't know if I could have really understood the sacrifices my own father made had I not become one myself. I mean this on many different levels as having somebody that YOU are responsible for really changes perspective on life. A life lived up to that point solely for you. For me it was the first time I really got to see a part of me. This was my son and I was his father and it would be this way for the rest of our lives.
                         As a man to what extent does our fatherhood reflect on our manhood? Does it really take a man to raise a boy? I personally don't know. I would have ask then... who was ready to be a father.  Trick question as no man is ready to be a father. Only when you see you do began to realize that it is the most unique experience a man will ever have. This is when all of your self-serving planning has been deemed useless. All of the motivation you once had for self sustaining reasons have now changed direction. You are a father.